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Ancient Healing Arts and State of the Art Healing, all under one roof
Healing Method #1:
Chinese Medicine
Dr. Lu Chen Guang
You may choose to use Chinese medicine only or combine the three healing methods provided in our clinic).
Chinese medicine is now recognized by the conservative medical establishment, perhaps more than other alternative / complementary medicine.
Two major factors have contributed to this recognition:
Many medical studies done in the West that prove the efficacy of TCM.
Patients' demands for alternative solutions after being disappointed with the results of conventional medical settings.
The Chen Qi Center for Whole Medicine, the clinic of Dr. Lu and Tami Cleitman, was established in Yahud in 2007, as a place in which Dr. Lu could treat patients with his unique methods. Since then a great many patients have enjoyed the success of his care.
The following information written by Tami about Chinese Medicine and Chi Kong were explained to her by Dr. Lu:
Chinese Medicine and Qi Kong (energy medicine)
As a doctor practising Chinese medicine and Qi Kong in Israel, I often find it necessary to explain the principles which underlie my beliefs, what is the explanation for my clinical success, and what sets apart my treatment from that provided by my western colleagues.
I must confess that the task of explaining this is very difficult. Frequently, it seems to me that my attempt to communicate these concepts is inadequate and difficult to comprehend, not only to lay people, but even to medical personnel. Often, patients and others listen politely to my explanations, but the mention of concepts like “energy doctor” or “Chi ” causes them to look at me with disbelief or even mockingly.
Before trying to explain “Qi Kong” the particular branch of Chinese Medicine in which I specialized, I wish to preface my remarks with this: Medical Qi Kong is an ancient practice, thousands of years old; however, during the Communist era, it was looked upon with disdain, along with many other ancient Chinese arts. However, today, there has been a new rebirth of the ancient arts and in 1989 Qi Kong once again received official recognition by the Chinese government. Since then it is an accepted treatment modality in Chinese hospitals, and is properly regulated. Qi Kong medicine is an integral part of the study of medicine in the major recognized universities in China.
Can Chinese medicine and western medicine be combined?
The current Chinese model shows that such a combined approach is indeed feasible. In China, traditional Chinese medicine is an integral part of the general public health system. There is not, nor should there be, a dichotomy between the two worlds of modern western medicine and its ancient Chinese counterpart.
What is Chinese medicine and Qi Kong medicine?
Traditional Chinese medicine evolved during the last 5000 years. It includes several philosophical concepts: These include the theories of “Yin and Yang”, the “5 elements”, the concept of meridians (energy points), Zhang Fu (which relates to inner organs) and the doctrine of Qi Kong).
I will describe Qi Kong medicine in short.
Qi Kong is based on the traditional Chinese belief that there is a field of energy, Chi, within the body. (It should be noted that the concept “energy” in Chinese medicine is very different from the meaning of energy in western science. The Chi field is produced and maintained by the body’s breathing system. A more appropriate meaning for the word “Chi” is “breath”, or fuel. This “fuel” is the energy source created by breathing and it is what keeps us alive. Essentially, it is the energy of life.
“Kong” means work, task, etc. Its execution is the responsibility of the practitioner who is a skilled artisan of sorts; thus, “Qi Kong” is the art of controlling breathing, in order to achieve and maintain optimal health, by achieving the proper flow of Chi, the life energy.
As an integral part of his training, a doctor of Qi Kong is trained to manage his health by menas of a demanding daily exercise routine which includes fitness and breathing exercises which he does for several hours every day. This routine is designed to achieve a very high level of energy, which he then transfers to his patients during their treatment. This energy is essential to healing and health. A doctor who does not maintain a high level of fitness and health will not be able to develop the energy level needed to treat patients. If he is not healthy himself, how will he be able to heal others? Good health and a high level of fitness are characteristics of a Qi Kong doctor.
In addition to being healthy and fit, what else characterizes a Chi Kong doctor?
A Qi Kong doctor heals according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which views the body as a kind of mini-universe, comprised of many systems which are interconnected. These systems are also directly influenced by the environment. In a healthy body these systems are in a state of balance. If the balance is disturbed, a health problem will result. A Chinese doctor will look for signs of disharmony in the body, and these will help him to understand the source of the problem and thus, how to treat the problem, and to prevent the recurrence of disease and symptoms in the future. As a part of this, the doctor will look for impediments to the flow of Chi in the body.
The Chi flows without impediment in a healthy body. When something interferes with the flow of Chi, disease will appear. The doctor’s task is to release these blockages to facilitate a proper and unhampered flow of Chi. This is achieved by the insertion of needles at particular meridians. The insertion of the needles clears the block.
The QI Kong doctor will insert the needles in an energetic manner particular to Chi Kong medicine, very different from the manner in which regular Chinese doctors insert them. The difference is difficult to explain, but this unique manner of inserting the needles allows the doctor to transfer his vital energy into the body of the patient, and thus healing is facilitated. This is but a simplified explanation of this extensive ancient discipline.
To conclude:
I am aware of the great difficulty facing my patients in their attempt to understand the basic concepts of Chinese medicine. Nonetheless the increasing interest, both among patients and among doctors, in Chinese medicine as a legitimate therapy. In recent years there is an increasing body of research which supports the efficacy of acupuncture as a viable therapeutic tool. This has led to the inclusion and integration of traditional Chinese medicine into western medicine, as happened in China. The extensive exposure of Chinese medicine in the west, and the deepening interest in the west in eastern cultures will lead to a strengthening of the connection between the different methods of treatment, to the benefit of many patients. It is my hope that this will happen soon.
Dr. Lu Chen Guang -
Doctor for Chinese and Qi Kong Medicine
The Chen Qi Center for Whole Teatment
Writing and Editing - Tami Cleitman